I was recently asked to share my FlipRocks story and insights with the Iona Community.

The event was on April 19th and ended at 7PM. Dinner was served and many students and faculty attended. The event was held in the Burke Lounge, Spellman Hall on the New Rochelle Campus. Needless to say it was a lot of fun! I was on stage with four other entrepreneurs all sharing in different fields. We were asked questions on a panel and then we participated with students and faculty one on one as we rotated to the tables on the floor. Ever since we started flipping out I have been told by almost everyone “you should be on shark Tank” well that night was no different. Shark tank was repetitively mentioned and once again I responded by saying I’m not looking for people to take ownership of our company for a small amount of money in comparison to what we think FlipRocks should be valued at. Here are a few pics of the event and I have to think Allison Munsch who is the moderator and made the entire event possible.